Asset Assessment


Acquiring the right asset requires in-depth assessment of its condition and flight history. Having serviced hundreds of aircraft over decades in the MRO sector, Celerity partners are adept at determining the air-worthiness of aircraft and engines, and their associated parts and components.We look at age, total flight hours, geographic areas served, maintenance systems employed and other factors to establish the continued viability of parts and assemblies of end-of-life aircraft. Celerity’s ability to assess and categorize these assets before acquiring them helps us ensure that we are obtaining the right asset at the right price. Understanding asset condition is key to unlocking its aftermarket value, assuring our customers of peak performance and our funding partners of the optimum return on their investment.  

  • Aircraft  Assessment


    Aircraft Assessment

  • Engine Assessment


    Engine Assessment

  • Asset Acquisitions


    Asset Acquisitions

  • Assests  Undermanagement


    Assests Undermanagement

Our Core Focus